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Friday, January 24, 2014

My bestie Cupcake is leaving me! She's going abroad... for a year! Whatever will I do? Luckily she's started a blog herself so I can happily stalk her wherever she goes. The cutesy, non-threatening, approved  kind of stalking of course. (I don't want Big Brother breathing down my neck.)  But still, damn! A year. Wish I could be that ballsy

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sorry, I suck...

So it has recently come to my attention that I suck! Well, I suck for not updating in forever anyway. (Thanks Cupcake.) So from now on I'll be posting regularly. Assuming I have anything to say (which shouldn't be a problem, I rarely shut up). With a costume party (February, eh, why not?) coming up to geek out for, I'm sure to have plenty to ramble on about.