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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I live!

It has come to my attention that I've neglected you. I feel terrible. So what you've missed..... Not much. Except that I am now a magic-band wearing Disney addict. More specifically I'm a Peter Pan addict. I may or may not be stalking the swashbuckling hero. But if I hear one more damn word about Tinkerbell and how adorable she is, I will lose my mind! I can't stand that pint sized, murderous fairy brat. She tries to have Wendy killed but now suddenly she's every little girl's favorite-

Ahem. Sorry, got a little off topic. Anyway... Right! I'm going to post more often! About nothing and everything. So welcome to my newly inspired, Disney obsessed, and still completely geeky blog.

Friday, January 24, 2014

My bestie Cupcake is leaving me! She's going abroad... for a year! Whatever will I do? Luckily she's started a blog herself so I can happily stalk her wherever she goes. The cutesy, non-threatening, approved  kind of stalking of course. (I don't want Big Brother breathing down my neck.)  But still, damn! A year. Wish I could be that ballsy

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sorry, I suck...

So it has recently come to my attention that I suck! Well, I suck for not updating in forever anyway. (Thanks Cupcake.) So from now on I'll be posting regularly. Assuming I have anything to say (which shouldn't be a problem, I rarely shut up). With a costume party (February, eh, why not?) coming up to geek out for, I'm sure to have plenty to ramble on about.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rockville Part Deux!

Yup. Its that time of year again. My concert season was kicked off with Family Force 5's Rise Up tour (EPIC!)  but thats not what we're here to talk about, is it? No, children, its Welcome to Rockville! The first band worth mentioning (IMHO) was Lacuna Coil. Not my favorite by far but pretty awesome. Me and Bones knew where we needed to be though. Main stage. Where we then planted ourselves and didn't move.

Our faces were melted off by serious metal from Trivium. Holy crap. Yea. I'm not a huge metal fan... but that might change cause they were sick! (Also the bassist was hot. Just sayin'.) Next up was P.O.D.... And I could not have cared less. Blah. Bones' brother was pretty psyched but.. meh. Really we were just anxiously awaiting Halestorm. And they did not disappoint! Their badassery punched me in the face and I LOVED IT. (Not gonna lie.... I have a tiny girlcrush on Lzzy Hale. She's so just sickeningly fierce!) After my ears were blessed by Halestorm's sweet sounds of awesomeness, I thought to myself, how could this day get any better? (I should point out that it was now that someone (not pointing fingers.. Bro.) wanted to leave. Um.. WHAT!? After that crazy nonsense was slapped down) The universe finally answered, oh um effing Five Finger Death Punch could show up! OMG. My eyes almost popped outta my head due to the excessive amount of rock that was being delivered. I kinda wanted to storm the stage and climb Ivan Moody (the lead singer) but I didn't. (They would've thrown me out! Then I'd have missed the rest of the set. So instead I just thought about it.. alot.)

 Then it was time for what every female fan there that day was waiting for. Evanescence. Amy Lee owned that stage like it was her personal bitch.  She screamed, we screamed, everyone screamed and it was good. So so good. (P.S. Call Me When You're Sober is legit live.) I was so amped for Korn but... my ride was done. (Gasp! You want to leave? WHY!?) But they were finished. So we left. Before Korn. Sigh. Rockville is no doubt the only thing that could make me willingly spend that many hours in direct sunlight. Ever. Needless to say I can't wait til next year! ( And now for your viewing pleasure. A small taste of Evanescence.)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why so Obsessed?

Ah. It's soooo nice to have a job again. Not because I have any great love of being part of the workforce. Heck nah. If I had my way I'd be independently wealthy but unfortunately I haven't hit the lotto.... Yet. No, its because I can buy all of the useless crap that I want! Yay for needless spending! Right now I seem to be fixated on K-Dramas, J-Dramas, and anime. So most of my purchases seem to lean in that direction. Manga, dramas, and anime, oh my! I'll keep our economy going one useless purchase at a time.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Skynet's Mama?

So.... am I the only one sorta freaked out by Hatsune Miku? For those of you who don't know, Hatsune Miku is a popstar in Japan. And she is also a cartoon. Now I know what you're thinking: why is this any weirder then say, Jem? Well Jem never actually performed live for her concerts, Hatsune preforms via projection. Also Jem had a voice actor. Hatsune doesn't, she has a Vocaloid 2. (And what pray tell is a Vocaloid 2, you ask?) It's a singing synthesizer application. Now are you seeing why she kinda freaks me out? Sure, she's cute now, but when the computers rise up... Well, they'll all be playing her songs. (Wanna see? Look here. ->)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Where Do I Go From Here?

I need suggestions. As I've said before, I have become ridiculously addicted to K-Dramas. Well now my addiction has grown to include Korean movies as well. And I need more! I'm looking for any quality Korean film. Comedy, action, horror, anything .Just give me a title! So far I've seen I'm a Cyborg But It's Okay, Baby and Me, Attack of the Pin-Up Boys, The Man From No-Where, I Saw The Devil, and My Little Bride. Help me out here people!