Do you remember summer? You know, back when you were a kid, when it was still fun? Oh, for those unending days of sun drenched summer. Granted I never actually went out into the sunshine, it was far too harsh on my uber pale self. But regardless. I miss those days. I guess what I really miss is, not having to freakin' work! Having a job really cuts into my sitting around time. How am I to write the next great American novel if I'm at my job all the damn time? Ok. Fine. READ the next great American novel. How can I make as much money possible with little to no effort? Hmmm? How do Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian manage it? Right, right. Well it's clear to me now. I gotta release a sex tape. Not me of course. No thank you. But ladies of the geek chic style, I will call it Geeks Gone Wild, and I will make millions. It'll be like
Revenge of the Nerds only with more girl geeks and less Robert Carradine. Unless he's free? Can you say cameo?
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