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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Son of a.....

Son Of A Bad Man (EP)What have you been doing with yourself today? I talked to a rock star. Well. Tweeted actually, but whatever! The drummer from Son Of A Bad Man messaged me. It kinda made my whole month! So yeah, Imma have to add SoaBM to my list of people to be stalked. ( Btw I mean stalk in a totally harmless and completely non -illegal and/or threatening manner!) So right now it's just them and FF5. I've seen FF5 seven times in concert so I'd say that it's going pretty well on that front. Just gotta add SoaBM to my to-do list.

Oh! I found a picture of them! It's kinda grainy but whatever! It has the lead singer Shawn Fisher, the drummer Brad Moxey and some random photographer in it! And a very large and slightly annoyed looking security guard.

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